Bankruptcy Website Content Package
Content for bankruptcy lawyer websites.
Content is King. You won’t be found without having well-written website content.
Copy & Paste from other websites might get you penalized by Google since Google already knows when and where the text has been published first.
It will take you days or even weeks to compile this amount of information yourself.
Save time and money and provide an overview of types of bankruptcy to your clients:
Published on your site this will have a double-positive effect:
- Search engines will honor the amount of content of bankruptcy-related texts and keywords on your site and regard your site as more important (website authority).
- Your image to your clients and prospects will become even more professional
- Visitors stay longer on your site
Result: your page ranking improves, and you will receive better positioning.

#1: Publish Relevant Content.
Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. ...
Content package:
Detailed descriptions about Bankruptcy and Foreclosure
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 13
- Automatic Stay
- Bankruptcy Trustee
- 341 Meeting of Creditors
- Foreclosure
- Bankruptcy FAQ section with common questions:
- Does filing for bankruptcy protection stop creditors from calling me?
- How quickly is my bankruptcy filed?
- What does bankruptcy
do to my credit? - When can I start rebuilding my credit?
- Can I keep my home, car, and other possessions?
- How soon can I buy a house after bankruptcy?
- How much does bankruptcy cost?
- What about debt consolidation companies?
- How long will it take to get a case number?
- Does my spouse have to file?
- Alternatives to Bankruptcy
This package is sold as a license to display copyright-protected content on one website domain.
The copyright for this content remains with
Price: $999