If you start out building your law firm, chances are that your funds are limited and you are having a hard look at what you want to invest into a web presence.
When you offer your services two things are essential:
- be found on search engines
- an appealing design that makes people “click”.
We make it easy for you with customized plans starting at $599. Whether you start with a one pager website or a multiple page site, essentials for being found are always included:
- Search Engine Optimization
- a verified Google Business Listing
- a verified listing on Bing
Starter Website – Law Firm Starter Website also includes:
- One Page Vertical Scroll
- Call button for Smart Phones
- Up to 10 Vertical Elements
- Your content, we optimize
- Free Domain, Hosting 1yr
Law Firm Starter Website
- One Page Vertical Scroll
- Call button for Smart Phones
- Up to 10 Vertical Elements
- Your content, we optimize
- Free Domain, Hosting 1yr